We started BrowneMusser in 2008 to make an impact. We strive to make the world a better, more authentic, and empathetic place through the work we do for our clients.


But don’t get us wrong. It’s not all
rainbows and kumbaya.

We take all the rigor that we learned from years working for some of the top agencies in the country and apply that rigor.

Our Beliefs


The Golden Rule is golden.

Yep, treat others like you want to be treated. It’s the heart of every major philosophy in the world, so that makes it good enough to be at the heart of ours.

Let’s take our work more seriously than we take ourselves.

We strive to create work that we hope elicits a bit of awe. Let’s keep that awe about our work, and not so much about ourselves.

There is no bad music.

Step outside your comfort zone or what you know. Music comes from the soul, so while you might prefer one type of music over another, if a song touches someone else, who are we to judge?


Curiosity and wonder make life worth living.

Deeply pursue your interests. Embrace your inner nerd.

Pick up the phone.

Okay, it’s an allegory. Be direct. Seek the most efficient way to solve a problem. Don’t let anything fester.

Color outside the lines.

Sometimes the lines are our self-imposed limitations. Sometimes they are the silos created by job descriptions. Sometimes they are the rules we imagine are there based on seniority. Meh. Follow your gut instead.